I have plenty more I took yesterday but they're still on the camera and Sal is at a shoot so there will be more! I'll post the flicker site with all her photos too.
Everything is going great with her. She had her 1 week check-up and weighed in at 6lb 8oz. She is nursing like a champ now and sleeps 2 five hour stretches at night! She's been spending more and more time awake and looking around. Her little cord stump fell off on Thursday night! So now she has a cute little belly button!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A couple new pictures and update
Posted by CassB at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Project 365 Photo - August 20, 2008
"Our little Angel"
Posted by CassB at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Labels: Project 365
Life with Avalea...
We survived our first night home! The night before we left the hospital was a bit rough. We had some breastfeeding issues and she was having a hard time latching and we were both getting frustrated. It continued when we got home. So I researched a little and decided to retreat to my bedroom by myself with her and we were going to work out our issues. We slept skin to skin for a while and patiently and peacefully worked on our nursing. When she woke up, the first session she fussed a little but it went great. Each time after that went better and better. She is way less fussy now and things are a lot less stressful. She woke up every 2-3 hours last night and after she was done, she would go right to sleep! I ended up getting a horrible fever along with being really sore and my allergies acting up on top of that. So I felt miserable. Sal helped out a lot. I finally took tylenol, got some rest while he kept an eye on her and feel a ton better. Today she spent a little time awake looking around. She's been so good so far! Her brothers are so happy to have her home as are we!
Posted by CassB at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Project 365 Photo - August 19, 2008
Our baby girl is here! This is the start of many, many pictures! It will be hard to choose THE one for each day!
Posted by CassB at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Project 365
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Miss Avalea Jo is here!!
Ok here is Miss Avalea's birth story! Yes I only had her a few hours ago and I'm writing from the hospital but I feel great and she is doing amazing and such a good baby. They took her to the nursery for a bit for shift change and her newborn hearing test. So I have a few minutes to post, then I'm eating and getting a nap in!
So we check in at 7. Get all our cervadil and IV started ect. I asked for a sleeping pill because I thought I would be anxious and not sleep any. WELL, an hour after the cervidil was in I started getting contractions about 3-5 minutes apart. They got really strong and were hurting bad, especially in my back. So I got a round of Stadol. It knocked out my contraction pain as well as me. Woke up a little later because it wore off and she gave me another dose(3am). Well, at about 7am, I started feeling them again. The nurse came in to take out the cervadil and check me. I was a "stretchy 3" and still 80% and baby at -2. Dr came in about 8 and broke my water and said after he broke it I was 4 and 0 station and 80%. They let me get the epidural then because the anesthesiologist was next door and I was hurting a lot already. They had JUST started pitocin then my Dr said turn it off because I was in pain and didn't NEED it then. They came and gave me the epidural, it worked perfect. They turned the pitocin on a little after the epidural took effect. I could feel contractions but no pain, then I couldn't really feel the contractions all the time, and they were pretty big. A couple hours later (not even that) she checked me and I was 7cm and still 80%. I started feeling pressure about 20 minutes later. With every cntrx the pressure got stronger. Baby's heart kept dropping low with contraction so she checked me and said I was complete. They put the call in to the Dr. I told her the pressure was getting stronger. She checked and the baby's head was crowning. She told me not to push, I told her I wasn't pushing, I didn't have the urge even though I felt the pressure. I was just sitting there waiting, and the baby was just sliding out. Well with every contraction, her heart beat dropped low, and she pushed out a little more on her own. Then they (the 2 nurses) decided to let her come since she was almost out and her heart rate kept dropping. Well the nurse had to deliver her. they said push, I didn't even push that hard and her head was out, then the rest. She had the cord around her leg and foot which was causing the heart rate to drop because the contraction would squeeze it too hard. She didn't even scream. Just made a few little noises and they put her on me skin to skin for about 15 minutes. Then they took her to the bed to clean up. Apgar was 9/9. Brought her back and she nursed right away for about 30 minutes!! She is so beautiful and hasn't been fussy at all!! I didn't tear or have an episiotomy and feel great other than some soreness from the epidural site!!
Although it was way faster than I was expecting, it was a nice, calm and quiet birth and a wonderful experience to share with my husband. She has been such a good baby. Only has fussed once when she woke up for a feeding and was still so quiet. She nurses great and is the sweetest little baby ever!
I can't access Photobucket in the hospital so I will post pictures later. We've taken a ton already. And have a ton more to take :) We should be released Thursday morning/afternoon!
Posted by CassB at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Daddy Thoughts: Labor Day
Yesterday started out like normal Monday work day. Got to work and started finishing up cases in my queue. Around 1:15 Cassandra came and picked me up to go to her Dr. appointment.
Sat there for a little while and finally saw the Dr. He gave us the news we'd been hoping for. Induction would begin that night in to the morning.
So, we headed back to the house to take the dogs to the in-laws and then hung out there for a little bit; as we didn't need to arrive at the hospital til 7pm.
We got settled in and the gave her the medication to soften the cervix around 8pm. Cassandra was already tired but knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, so they gave her a sleeping pill. I stayed up for a little awhile and watched 300 :)
Throughout the night she's been having contractions, so needless to say, we both kinda tossed and turned. Of course, I can't complain much for obvious reasons.
Feeling a little helpless right now since when she has them, she won't really respond to my questions. But, I understand.
It's about 8am now and they're about to take out the meds that soften her cervix; it had to stay in for at least 10-12 hours. So, now begins the "fun" part.
For those interested, you can follow the labor via my twitter account, where I'll give a play by play of what's happening today.
I can't wait to meet my baby girl.
For those who didn't follow the twitters, here are some stats for Avalea Jo Baldovinos:
Time of birth: 12:31p
Weight: 6lbs 2oz
Length: 19 1/4 inch
And, here are some pictures:
Posted by Sal B. at 7:51 AM 2 comments
Labels: contractions, daddy's thoughts, labor, prenancy
Friday, August 15, 2008
8/15/08 Appointment update
So I didn't see my Dr today. I was supposed to see another Dr then he ended up having to go across the street and deliver so I saw the NP that I see sometimes. Baby's fluids were actually great for once. My BP was 142/80 which I have NEVER had high BP in my life. They took it a bit later with me laying down and it was back to normal. There was a slight bit of protein in my urine but I wasn't swelling so they we're okay with me.
SO she (the NP) called my Dr, talked to him. They keep going by my LMP due date of 9/6. (I saw a different OB until 30 weeks then transferred to this one) Well my previous OB went by 8/28. So since she has been measuring closer to the 9/6 due date lately, my Dr is trying to get me between the dates. I guess past 37 weeks according to LMP but not too far according to adjusted due date.
So I see my Dr Monday. He wanted to personally see me. His OB days are Tuesdays so he wants to see me Monday and if we induce that night, I'll prob have her Tueday and he'll be there. IDK, I really think I'm ok with her coming on her own seeing as it's not far. But my Dr leaves on vacation for 10 days on Wednesday...
I didn't make any progress. I'm still 2cm, 80% effaced and she went from 0 station last week, to -2 this week. Other than that it's still a wait and see thing I guess.
Sal and I ran all around today. We went to Ikea and got the boys desks so we can start homeschooling in a couple weeks. And then we went to the mall so I couldwalk some and we were there for about 4-5 hours walking, and then the walking at Ikea. So hopefully that helps. Tomorrow we're going down to Kemah and Galveston for a day at the beach! Then we have grocery shopping Sunday. So a kind of busy weekend but hopefully it will get this baby going.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Posted by CassB at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
38 weeks WOW..14 days left!
We have made it now to 38 weeks! Longest I've ever carried a baby. Things are def getting harder. I'm thinking she has moved out of 0 station because yesterday and today she has really been shoved up into my ribs and causing me all kinds of issues. Been feeling yucky the past couple days. Hoping tomorrow they say I've made more progress. If they don't induce, I'm going to ask them to strip my membranes to help things along more. I've had a *few* contractions. But they are very random and some hurt really bad and then some I hardly feel. Not near enough to establish a pattern or do anything. That is the one thing I have lacked somewhat this PG is contractions. I have tons of pressure though. So we have 14 more days left! Not that long at all. Hope I hear good news on the progress tomorrow! i have my u/s scheduled at 10:15 then meeting with the Dr at 10:45.
Posted by CassB at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
37w 4d appt.
Went in, fluids were low. Dr wouldn't induce like he said. Says that this week the lungs just start making surfactant and she needs to stay few days longer. Last week he said if my fluids were low he'd admit and induce. But I guess not. Sent me to get IV fluids all day again. My hands and wrists are all bruised from weeks of getting IVs. I have another appt on Friday. He says he isn't letting me go past then (I'm 38w on Thursday) however I'm not getting my hopes up as I am not seeing him. I'm seeing some other Dr I've never seen before (my Dr will be in surgeries all day) so I doubt he will induce me. Probably go get yet another round of fluids. Plus he said he would induce today and didn't. Didn't get an exam today so I have no clue if I've made more progress or not, at this point I really don't care because it doesn't matter. She can come at any time.
Posted by CassB at 9:40 PM 1 comments
A little change...
We decided to change her name a little. We are dropping the Madison and she will be:
Avalea Jo Baldovinos
Her middle name is in remembrance of both my grandmothers who passed away from cancer. One who I was close to and one who I never had the chance to meet.
Bobbie Jo Crump (passed in 1973 of Breast Cancer)
Marletta Jo Appel (passed 3/12/2007 of Lung Cancer)
I'm glad to be able to honor them this way.
I have my ultrasound this morning. If her fluids are low again, instead of pumping IVs we're going to induce today. If not we're waiting another week. I feel nauseous this morning but that could be nerves, thinking I *could* have a baby today!
Posted by CassB at 5:53 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
37 week Dr appt! 21 days left to go!
Not inducing today but I'm very happy with my appt!
First: Dr scheduled an u/s for Monday. If fluids are below 6 or 7 then he will admit me and induce. If not, then we'll wait another week. I'm good with that!
Second: I'm SO happy. He checked me and I am 2cm dilated, 80% effaced and baby's head is engaged and at 0 station!!! This is up from last week's exam in which I was fingertip and just starting to efface and baby at -3 station!! I made SO much progress in a week!! Now I know all these cramps, backaches and contractions have been working!
So no baby coming just yet but she may just come on her own with the progress she is making! Dr said I can go the rest of the time at 2cm so it doesn't mean she is going to be here NOW. I could go the full 40 weeks like that. I'm just happy that all this pain is doing something. I can deal with that!
Posted by CassB at 2:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Avalea's nursery
Still have a couple little things to paint and hang up but it is pretty much done! Here are pics!
Posted by CassB at 3:38 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Yeterday's hospital visit
Got my fluids. U/s showed AFI of 7.4. Seems lower than normal when they release me but if they think it's fine then ok. Baby is estimated at about 5.5lbs but thats give or take a pound. Have my next appointment Thursday when I'll be 37 weeks (term) and will see what they say.
Posted by CassB at 1:38 PM 0 comments