Monday, September 17, 2007

And it never ends....

Just updating real quick. I just got back from the Dr. The u/s revealed I had a 3cm blood filled cyst on my ovaries, signifying possible endometriosis. Also alot of old follies(eggs) crowded in my ovaries from the PCOS. I have surgery scheduled on 9/28 to have the cyst removed and have ovarian drilling done to get the old follies out. They are also going to do a procedure where they blow out my tubes. I guess it enlarges them and clears them out. I'm going to research it a bit. And while he's in there he is going to see if I do have endo and the extent of it. He said if the endo isn't bad or I don't have it, we can start TTC the cycle after the surgery. If it's bad then we have to do treatments that last about 4 months before we start TTC again. I posted a link on endometriosis, really clarifies alot. *sigh* so lets hope and pray that it's not extensive and we can start TTC again real soon!