Wednesday, June 25, 2008

31 weeks...63 days (or less) to go...

Nothing really going on. Had an appointment yesterday, everything checked out fine. She is confirmed head down. I'm sure sometime soon we'll have an ultrasound to determine her size. Have another appointment next Thursday then it's every two weeks after that. We have the "hospital talk" at 34weeks. Then at 36weeks I start going weekly.

Other than that nothing has changed. I have been losing pieces of my mucous plug so maybe she's getting ready in there. She gets the hiccups a lot.

The shower went great! Thanks to everyone that came and those that helped! We got lots of good stuff. An excessive over abundance of clothes. We do not need ANY clothes for a very long time. I already had bought a lot of clothes and other necessities before the shower. Now all we need really is nursery stuff (crib, dressers, bed set ect.) We'll be getting that after we move.

Speaking of, we got our house! We're moving the weekend of July 18th! Very exciting!! And just in time for this baby!!

Here is a picture of my 31 week belly. Not much baby there...


JoAnnC. said...

You look great! Looks like your belly had dropped a bit from the shower. And speaking of shower...WHERE ARE THE PICTURES! I want to see shower pics!!!

CassB said...

I think he is dropping little by little. Today I measued my uterus cause I can feel her lower and it's measuring 28 weeks (couple days ago was measuring 31w exactly)IDK...

CassB said...

oops I meant she****