Not one single thing to report. No exam, no u/s, nothing. Going tomorrow yet again to the hospital for u/s and IV. And a "we'll go from there". I'm so frustrated and tired of doing this. I'm so tired of all this getting stuck every week and spending a whole day in the hospital. So I guess the plan is to keep doing this mess until I go into labor. Which could be another 4-6 weeks.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
2 weeks.
I went in for my routine appt on Wednesday. They did a follow up ultrasound to check her fluids again. They were back down to 5.6. She was also measuring 33w3d when we are 35w. When I was actually 33w, she was measuring exactly 33w, so she hasn't grown much. Her weight was estimated at 4lb 14oz. She had also been moving less. So the Dr had me go to the hospital and get more fluids. They did a follow up u/s and fluids were back to 10.5. So he wants me to go back every 3-4 days to get a 12 hour round of IV and u/s. We're going to try to make it until 37 weeks when her lungs are fully mature. But if the Dr catches anything such as her not growing or fluids not staying up, we'll induce sooner. But her said once we hit 37w, we'll induce. He says my placenta just isn't doing what it should. Nothing I did or could do to prevent, sometimes it just happens. So probably in 2 weeks she will be here. If she is doing really good at that time, then we'll wait until she is ready to come. She's been moving a bit more since my fluids were up. Her not growing worries me a bit. We'll see Sunday I guess if shes made any progress. Dr did an exam on me and I'm still only a fingertip dilated, thick and high.
So I was really busy today unpacking and made A LOT of progress. Got her room all unpacked and working on washing all her clothes. I just need to get her crib and paint her dresser and bookshelf. Going to try to get it done this week. Probably will get her crib next week as she has her bassinet to sleep in.
So we'll see how things go...
Posted by CassB at 8:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I took my weekly belly shot and I think she may have dropped. It looks completely different than last week.
Oh and here is her coming home outfit!!
Posted by CassB at 2:34 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
34 week Dr appt.
I got to the Dr. and was I the waiting room forever! Then when I went back, I was feeling very lightheaded, weak, nauseous and faint while they were doing vitals. Vitals were fine, didn't gain any more weight. (been the same for the past 5 weeks)then they checked my pulse. It was at 120bpm. My normal is 70-80. So then they check the baby's and hers was 170. We talked about the hospital stuff and cntrx and back pain I'm having. They wanted to put me on the monitor there for a NST. So the NP came and did an exam. Found a bit of fluid on the nitrazine strip, and then did the ferning test, but I didn't get results from those. Checked me and said it doesn't feel like I'm thinning but it would be measured on the u/s and that she would say I'm still about a fingertip. And she could feel Ava's head right there. So we did he NST and it was fine, and my Dr came in and said come in Friday morning and do a BPP and AFI check u/s. Since I just had one on Sunday. They also gave me these pantyliners that turn blue if amnio fluid is on them. Pretty cool. that way I can tell them if I have any leaking. Oh and my uterus was measuring 31 weeks and they were a little concerned with that. So, I'm basically still on mod bed rest until Friday's u/s. And we'll see whats going on then and go from there.
Posted by CassB at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We're home! 33.5 weeks!
We got discharged today. Dr. wanted me to stay one more night for monitoring then another follow-up ultrasound this morning. My fluids went down to 8 this morning but the nurse said it does fluctuate and the position of the baby can make it difficult to measure completely accurately. So they said it is good and we can go home. We have our regular 34 week appointment scheduled Wednesday and they are going to continue to keep an eye on it.
My cervix was 2.1 this morning. So it is continuing to thin out. However they said it can thin all the way out and I can go overdue still so it doesn't mean I'm going to go early necessarily. As long as I make it another 3.5 weeks, she *should* be fine being born. I want her to come when she is good and ready so she is her healthiest. They measured her and her weight was estimated at 3lb 14oz. So she is a bit small but not too much. Average I believe is 4.5lbs right now for that age. Anthony was born at 33 weeks and was 5lbs 8oz so he was technically on the big side.
We get to move into our house this Saturday! Really excited and looking forward to it! I'm ready to get all her stuff ready an get settled in to our new home!!
My sister is going to be home from the navy on the 29th! Can't wait! Excited for her to be home finally and in time for her niece's birth!!
Until next time....
Posted by CassB at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Have to make it 2 more weeks!
Thursday night we went into the hospital because of really bad back pains, they didn't feel like the normal PG pains. They ran all kinds of test, found a bit of an infection and that the baby's AFI (amniotic fluids) were at 5.6 (normal is 5-20) so they pumped me full of IVs all day Friday. Got the steroid shot for the lungs on Friday and hen the other today. Checked the ultrasound again today and AFI is at 12. So based on that it looks like I should be able to go home today. All depends on the Dr. So now I just basically wait for him.
My cervix is now thinning. At 31weeeks it measured 3.7, Thursday night measured 3.4 and today was 2.9. The nurse says that's good for how far I am, means less work later on down the road.
So we will update later on after the Dr has come had his say.
Posted by CassB at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Dr. Appointment - 32 weeks
Nothing exciting. Everything checked out fine. Dr came in, felt my stomach, looked at my chart and said everything looks good, see you in 2 weeks. She is head down, but not anywhere near dropped at all. Thinking she has no intention of coming early and will be here towards the end of August around her due date. We have our next appointment in 2 weeks at 34 weeks. Just basically the same thing with a hospital talk.
Lately been feeling nauseous everyday, headaches coming back, horrible heartburn but Zantac takes care of that. And tons of pressure and sciatica which the Dr said is absolutely normal. Other than that, pretty uneventful. Nights and mornings I feel my absolute worst. Don't sleep much or well anymore and always tired.
The next two weeks are being spent packing up the house and then we move! It will be nice to get moved and settled in. I'm ready to start getting the nursery done. We have everything we need baby wise except the nursery stuff which we are getting after we move so we don't have to move it. Can't wait to make my vision real :)
Until next time...
Posted by CassB at 6:35 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Project 365
So I came across this and I think it is a really good idea. PROJECT 365 You take a photo a day for 365 days. It lets you look back through that year and see how much you have changed. I really want to do it with Ava too to document her first year. But I'm thinking about doing it as a family project. It also helps to build your creativity because you've got to come up with something every day. I need that as it's turning more into work rather than a hobby I used to love.
Anyways I think it is going to be a neat project and will probably make a scrapbook at the end with each entry. I think it's going to be good.
Posted by CassB at 10:15 PM 2 comments