Wednesday, July 16, 2008

34 week Dr appt.

I got to the Dr. and was I the waiting room forever! Then when I went back, I was feeling very lightheaded, weak, nauseous and faint while they were doing vitals. Vitals were fine, didn't gain any more weight. (been the same for the past 5 weeks)then they checked my pulse. It was at 120bpm. My normal is 70-80. So then they check the baby's and hers was 170. We talked about the hospital stuff and cntrx and back pain I'm having. They wanted to put me on the monitor there for a NST. So the NP came and did an exam. Found a bit of fluid on the nitrazine strip, and then did the ferning test, but I didn't get results from those. Checked me and said it doesn't feel like I'm thinning but it would be measured on the u/s and that she would say I'm still about a fingertip. And she could feel Ava's head right there. So we did he NST and it was fine, and my Dr came in and said come in Friday morning and do a BPP and AFI check u/s. Since I just had one on Sunday. They also gave me these pantyliners that turn blue if amnio fluid is on them. Pretty cool. that way I can tell them if I have any leaking. Oh and my uterus was measuring 31 weeks and they were a little concerned with that. So, I'm basically still on mod bed rest until Friday's u/s. And we'll see whats going on then and go from there.