Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Firs day of CDing!

Our first day was yesterday and went really well! No leaks, even overnight! I've kind of figured out which type I like best now. So I can sell ones I don't like and get more of what I need. I would take more pics of her in the different ones but right now her mouth and hands are purple from the Genitian Violet we used to treat our Thrush. She sticks her hands in her mouth when she's hungry so that's why they are purple. lol.


JoAnnC. said...

She's precious and I'm so happy CD-ing is working out so well for the both of you! And BTW...I DO think we need a picture of Miss A with her purple mouth and hands! Hoping the thrush clears up soon!

Anonymous said...

I can't even tell you how proud I am of you for switching to Cd's! Congrats momma, welcome to the dark side! ;)