Monday, January 14, 2008


Today was our first appointment. We did the usual questioning of medical and pregnancy history, exam and other (non)fun stuff. She was a little concerned about how soon some of my symptoms were showing up. By my period I was 6 weeks and 3 days. So she ordered an ultrasound. We got in there and saw one little baby with a fluttering little heart! I heard the heartbeat too and it was 132bpm! In range for it's age. AND, the baby measured 7weeks and 4days which means I ovulated earlier like I thought. So the new due date is August 28, 2008!

Symptoms at the moment, nausea, disgust of food, dark spots on my face, frequent urination, heart palpitations and extreme fatigue.

Our next appointment is February 12th. I'll be 12 weeks that week. My last week of the first trimester. And closer to me feeling the baby. I remember feeling Ephram at 14-15 weeks because I knew what I was feeling for. I think Anthony was at 16 weeks.

We have our 2 names picked out but we are keeping them a secret until the baby is born!