Saturday, July 12, 2008

Have to make it 2 more weeks!

Thursday night we went into the hospital because of really bad back pains, they didn't feel like the normal PG pains. They ran all kinds of test, found a bit of an infection and that the baby's AFI (amniotic fluids) were at 5.6 (normal is 5-20) so they pumped me full of IVs all day Friday. Got the steroid shot for the lungs on Friday and hen the other today. Checked the ultrasound again today and AFI is at 12. So based on that it looks like I should be able to go home today. All depends on the Dr. So now I just basically wait for him.

My cervix is now thinning. At 31weeeks it measured 3.7, Thursday night measured 3.4 and today was 2.9. The nurse says that's good for how far I am, means less work later on down the road.

So we will update later on after the Dr has come had his say.