Thursday, August 7, 2008

37 week Dr appt! 21 days left to go!

Not inducing today but I'm very happy with my appt!

First: Dr scheduled an u/s for Monday. If fluids are below 6 or 7 then he will admit me and induce. If not, then we'll wait another week. I'm good with that!

Second: I'm SO happy. He checked me and I am 2cm dilated, 80% effaced and baby's head is engaged and at 0 station!!! This is up from last week's exam in which I was fingertip and just starting to efface and baby at -3 station!! I made SO much progress in a week!! Now I know all these cramps, backaches and contractions have been working!

So no baby coming just yet but she may just come on her own with the progress she is making! Dr said I can go the rest of the time at 2cm so it doesn't mean she is going to be here NOW. I could go the full 40 weeks like that. I'm just happy that all this pain is doing something. I can deal with that!


Anonymous said...

Cass...glad your appt went well. Been thinkin of you and Avalea.

Your TWW Friend,