Friday, August 22, 2008

Life with Avalea...

We survived our first night home! The night before we left the hospital was a bit rough. We had some breastfeeding issues and she was having a hard time latching and we were both getting frustrated. It continued when we got home. So I researched a little and decided to retreat to my bedroom by myself with her and we were going to work out our issues. We slept skin to skin for a while and patiently and peacefully worked on our nursing. When she woke up, the first session she fussed a little but it went great. Each time after that went better and better. She is way less fussy now and things are a lot less stressful. She woke up every 2-3 hours last night and after she was done, she would go right to sleep! I ended up getting a horrible fever along with being really sore and my allergies acting up on top of that. So I felt miserable. Sal helped out a lot. I finally took tylenol, got some rest while he kept an eye on her and feel a ton better. Today she spent a little time awake looking around. She's been so good so far! Her brothers are so happy to have her home as are we!


JoAnnC. said...

Google the nearest LaLeche League! Sometimes a leader or another mom can come to your home to help with any latching issues. It's so much better than having to pay for a lactation consultant! Drink lots of water and rest!
We'd love to come see all of you when you feel like you are up for visitors. We don't want to interrupt your "babymoon."
We'll even bring some meals for your freezer.
So happy for you!